《明清家具》上卷、《明清家具》下卷,共收入北京故宮博物院珍藏的明代和清代家具450件(套),為迄今最為詳盡的明清家具展示。當中絕大多數是首次公開發表,特別是一些用珍貴木材製作的家具,世間流傳極少,代表了當時家具製作的最高水準,是中國古典家具製作的典範。本卷共收錄清代硬木家具和漆家具精品,並及小部分一般的漆家具和柴木家具,共246件。包括床榻寶座28件、椅凳墩57件、桌案几79件、屏風39件、櫃格箱架37件、天然木家具6件,尚有清代宮廷家具實景陳設圖片17張,豐富讀者對中國古代家具和宮廷生活實況的知識。The furniture of the Ming and Qing dynasties preserved in the Palace Museum are of best quality and have a great variety. They are second to none in China. The large pieces of lacquer furniture can be found nowhere else in China. The lacquer furniture and the hard wood furniture will be included in two books. Book I includes the furniture of the former half of the Ming and Qing dynasties; Book II included the furniture of the latter half of the Qing dynasty.