《Above Taipei》是《大台北空中散步》的英文版,是國內首度以「都會攝影」為主軸的空拍地理書,它結合數百幀空照圖、手繪地質形成圖、地圖及插圖,採「圖文整合」方式,將大台北鮮為人知的地質形成、歷史發展、都市計劃、自然變遷,以及豐饒的人文註記一一標示、翔實解說,堪稱國內第一本「From the air」的城市記錄。英文版的推出,可讓更多的外國友人了解台北的美。 在台灣高空攝影家陳敏明先生的空中
This is the expert's guide to designing newsletters, in-house publications, and annual reports. Included are the best current work, interviews with designers, and an insider's look at the process. C
The art of creative and effective brochure design continues to be of major importance in the graphic design industry. It is a challenge to include all the necessary information in a clear, appealing,