本書收錄了來自地球村的 111 種野花集錦,包含 220 多幅美麗的野花照片,在植物學上的物種共計分為36個植物科,圖文並茂的方式介紹了每種野花的花、葉、莖之一般結構、開花時間、產地,以及可食用性、毒性,部分也包含了在傳統草藥中的用途。書中針對植物特定術語提供了生物詞彙表,水生野花和寄生野花因其典型特徵而分別分組,同時也介紹了每個植物科與其共同特徵的總體情況。本書所有花卉照片都是在美國德州北部所拍攝取得,這本相冊中的大部分野花物種都原產於美洲,它們照亮了我們在德州與全美的綠色道路,也為生活帶來斑斕璀璨的色彩,為有興趣接觸野花生態的青少年或成年,提供一個入門的探索指南。This photo book is intended for helping children to become familiar with the wildflowers and the general plant related terms. In this photo book, more than 220 beautiful wildflower pictures taken from 111 wildflower species are included. The plant species are botanically classified into 36 plant families. Each wildflower species is briefly described about its general structure of flowers, leaves, stems, the blooming time, native place, and the edibility, toxicity or uses in traditional herbal medicine if it has. The aquatic and parasitic wildflowers are grouped separately for their typical characteristics. Brief description of each plant family is also included to provide a general picture of the common