Eleven types of armors were laboratory tested and their performances concerning the random placements of armors for two different surface slopes of rubble mound breakwater were compared. The three major categories of performance comparison are wave reflection, wave run-up and run-down, and armor stability. Due to the vast differences both in the setups of experiments and in the methodologies of data acquisition and analyses, the multitude of existing literatures yielded extremely scattering results, which are generally quite inconclusive and inconsistent, as well as incomparable. To cope with these problems the present research carries out the following: (1) Factors that affect armor behaviors are detailed and those that are modeled or not are indicated; (2) A real time laboratory system for data acquisition, monitoring, calibration, and analyses is developed, and the integrated program aims to provide accurate, convenient, and automated on-site processes; (3) Based upon the intrinsic
本書特色「材料力學」乃基礎科學,舉凡國內各大學機械、土木、航太、應力、醫工、造船等各科研究所入學考試,皆以材料力學作為必考之專業科目,故其在配分上具有決勝關鍵之舉足輕重的地位。目前坊間有關於材料力學的書籍很多,有的偏重於理論的探討,有的只提供題目的解答,而忽略重點觀念的說明,導致讀者內容看得似懂非懂。有鑑於此,本書之編寫乃針對題目及重要觀念作衍伸性的探討,進而讓讀者了解基本理論之應用,以掌握各種類型之解題要領。本書除了提供讀者最經典的試題及最正確詳盡的解答,在解題過程中,亦提供許多「破題」的技巧,因此在遇到相關題型時,就知道如何下手。此外,本書所有的解題過程皆參照國外原文書之方法及觀念,加上作者多年來的教學經驗,將Gere、R. C. Hibbeler、Beer Johnston等力學大師之解題精神融入在每題之詳解上。另建議搭配作者所著之《材料力學歷屆試題詳解》,透過本書試題的演練,讀者不僅能夠充分掌握各校之命題趨勢,更可藉由本書,導正許多錯誤觀念,進而高分上榜。