作者結合多年學術研究、教學與業界的實務經驗,闡明財務管理的重要觀念。全書更新實務案例、QR CODE案例相關連結、「財務小百科」專欄,經由貼近生活的內容,引發學習動機與共鳴。文中相關公式與計算,不但以「Step by Step」方式安排範例,另輔以「Excel說明」,易於讀者系統化學習及培養多元解題能力。全書分「財務管理基礎」、「金融市場」、「投資學」、「公司理財」與「財務管理專題」五大方向撰寫,內容條理清晰,易於理解,章末習題也增添了近期國考題,以讓學生增進自我考核能力。本書考量了理解、應用等難易,做了最好的安排,極為適合初學財務管理者循序漸近學習。
International Financial Management provides students with a foundation for analysis through a text that is well-organized, comprehensive, and provides up-to-date coverage of the topics. Like the first nine editions, it is written based on two tenets: emphasis on the basics and emphasis on a managerial perspective.The scope and content of international finance has been fast evolving due to cycles of deregulations and regulations of financial markets, product innovations, and technological advancements. As capital markets of the world are becoming more integrated, a solid understanding of international finance has become essential for astute corporate decision making. Reflecting the growing importance of international finance as a discipline, we have seen a sharp increase in the demand for experts in the area in both the corporate and academic worlds.International Financial Management discussion is written so that a self-contained treatment of each subject is presented in a user-friendly
Corporate Finance: Core was developed for the graduate (MBA) level as a concise, up-to-date, and to-the-point product, the majority of which can be realistically covered in a single term or course. To achieve the objective of reaching out to the many different types of students and the varying course settings, corporate finance is distilled down to its core, while maintaining a decidedly modern approach. Purely theoretical issues are downplayed, and the use of extensive and elaborate calculations is minimized to illustrate points that are either intuitively obvious or of limited practical use. The goal was to focus on what students really need to carry away from a principles course. A balance is struck by introducing and covering the essentials, while leaving more specialized topics to follow-up courses. Net present value is treated as the underlying and unifying concept in corporate finance. Every subject covered is firmly rooted in valuation, and care is taken throughout to explain h