English Explained explores the areas of English grammar that are most affected by misinformation and confusion and supplies the learner with the knowledge to finally grasp the workings of this multifa
利用正確的學習觀念,糾正似是而非的錯誤想法,學習英文更有效率!你知道下列哪一句是正確的嗎?1.( )If I to be you, I'd get some rest.2.( )If I am you, I'd get some rest.3.( )If I were you, I'd get some rest.提供100種學習技巧,糾正一般人容易忽略的100種英文錯誤用法。
史上超強!超好用、超好記、最道地的英文生活用語,讓您一次過足說英語的癮!mp3當問候朋友時How do you do?當發生危急事件時Somebody, help!當不認同對方所言時Idon’t think so.當讚美對方的表現時Good job.當想要離職時I quit.你還想要說的英語有哪些?本書通通有!