民以食為天!全民對食品製造與加工安全,務必勇於執著!【本書簡介】◎本書將食品安全管理的元素從管理面、組織面、文化面及執行面等進行詳細論述。◎結合風險管理以及企業淨零碳排等因素,做最精闢的分析與建議。◎20餘年食安管理領域累積的豐富經驗與見解,食品業者與關心食安者值得擁有的好書。據世界衛生組織(World Health Organization ,WHO)統計,全球每年約有10%的人口罹患食源性疾病,嚴重者導致患者傷亡也不再少數!「吃下肚就來不及」,唯有安全的食物,才能讓我們獲取營養價值,維持身體健康。本書內容以PDCA(Plan-Do-Check-Action)邏輯順序,始於企業食品安全體制規劃、產品製造過程及建立審核作業目標,終於食品工廠持續優化食品安全管理制度,並以單一主題章節,敘述工廠日常營運時發生的狀況,引導企業高階管理者與品保管理主管以累積的經驗建立食安思維,以及相關部門人員討論適當有效的改善方案。◎代理經銷:白象文化更多精彩內容請見http://www.pressstore.com.tw/freereading/9789579805759.pdf
An analysis of the lessons learned from tuberculosis control in Shanghai. Tuberculosis Control and Institutional Change in Shanghai, 1911-2011 is the first book on the most widespread and deadly infectious disease in China, both historically and today. Weaving together interviews with data from periodicals and local archives in Shanghai, Rachel Core examines the rise and fall of tuberculosis control in China from the 1950s to the 1990s. Under the socialist work unit system, the vast majority of people had guaranteed employment, a host of benefits tied to their workplace, and there was little mobility--factors that made the delivery of medical and public health services possible in both urban and rural areas. The dismantling of work units amid wider market reforms in the 1980s and 1990s led to the rise of temporary and casual employment and a huge migrant worker population, with little access to health care, creating new challenges in TB control. This study of Shanghai will provide valu