臨床療效是醫學的生命!離開臨床無醫學。 本書「中醫臨床研究與應用」,由陳麒方、皮國立兩位教授學者主編,共收錄9篇文章以及1篇中醫臨床醫學雜誌論文總清單。文章作者群涵蓋美國、中國、印度、新加坡、台灣的醫藥衛生領域20位專家學者,文章主題包含:探討針灸SWOT分析、故宮古畫灸療圖的研究、濃縮生藥的藥品管理專題討論、江戶漢醫針灸書研究、日本時代台灣漢醫著作研究、遣唐使傳播的經方書貞元《傷寒論》、溫病時方的方劑研究、中醫背痛防治、住院會診醫案。另有目前發行時間最長的台灣中醫藥期刊《中醫臨床醫學雜誌》論文總清單900篇完整書目。本書對臨床醫學各個面向不論是鍼灸、藥品、醫學典籍應用、醫藥文化、中醫證候治療、醫史發展,都有論述,是一本相當有意義的中醫學術書。 This book "Research and Application of Eastern Clinical Medicine" is edited by two scholars, Prof./Dr. CHEN Chi-Fang and Prof. PI Kuo-Li. It contains a total of 9 articles and a comprehensive list of articles in Taiwan Journal of Clinical Chinese Medicine (TJCCM). Group of the article covers 20 experts and scholars in the field of health from the United States, China, India, Singapore, and Taiwan. The topics of the article include: SWOT analysis of acupuncture, research on moxibustion therapy pictures in ancient paintings, special discussions on drug management of concentrated crude drugs, Edo period han medical acupuncture books, research on Chinese me