西西的動物詩,大部分是近年的新作,盡是奇思妙想,而民胞物與,充滿溫暖、關懷之情,明朗,親切,靈動,幽默,自有深意,寫來似跟動物通靈。總括而言,是為動物發聲,彼此平等、和平地相處,合而為「動物嘉年華」,並且邀來二十多位香港年輕畫家和插畫師參加盛會,每首詩配以不同的繪畫,畫風迥異,不拘一格,呈現多元異質。看西西的詩,看畫家們的詮釋,加上讀者自己的想像與理解,眾聲複調,文學藝術合該這般如此。西西的作品在華文世界膾炙人口,屢獲殊榮,曾獲美國紐曼華語文學獎,以及瑞典蟬獎,為香港獲國際詩獎的首位作家。這詩集是奇書《縫熊志》、《猿猴志》後,另一種動物書寫。 本書適合青少年,也適合喜歡文學藝術的成年。 Most of Xi Xi’s animal poems featured here are new works written during the past few years. Full of whimsical ideas, they embody the notion of “all humans are siblings, and all things are companions,” brimming with warmth and compassion. These poems could be described as bright and cheerful, approachable, clever and fluid, humourous, and deep with meaning, written as though the author is able to directly communicate with animals. Overall, they serve as a voice for animals, showing that they are able to coexist equally and peacefully, resulting in a “carnival of animals.” More than twenty young Hong Kong artists and illustrators have been invited to join this project, with each poem accompanie