西方人眼中的清代中國神祕而綺麗,從珠江河上華美的畫舫到婦女裹著的三寸金蓮,凡此種種都引發西方人極大的好奇心。這些對中國的異想,造就了外銷畫的商機。採用西方繪畫技法的通草紙畫盛行於十九世紀晚清時期的廣州,由於繪畫內容充滿中國風情丶價格便宜且方便攜帶,而成為留駐口岸的歐美商人丶收藏者丶水手等人士極受歡迎的紀念品。小小的通草紙畫,既有助縮小中西之間彼此理解的差距,同時也反映了西方人對這片異域的一種浪漫想像。 本圖冊展示了香港中文大學圖書館所收藏丶繪製於十九世紀廣州的通草紙畫,呈現出一幅幅生動的昔日生活場景。飄洋近兩個世紀後,這些既美麗又脆弱的「明信片」再次回到它的產地。儘管物換星移,然而中國百年前豐富的民生面貌透過薄薄的通草紙畫得以留存下來,在我們面前仍然絢爛繽紛。 The Qing Dynasty of China was perceived as mysterious and beautiful in the eyes of Westerners. From the magnificent pleasure boats on the Pearl River to women with bound feet, all these sparked great curiosity among Europeans and Americans. These fantasies about China created a lucrative market for export paintings. Pith paper paintings, which adopted Western painting techniques, were prevalent in Guangzhou during the late Qing period in the 19th century. Due to their Chinese themes, affordable prices and portability, these paintings became popular souvenirs among European and American traders, collectors, and sailors residing at the port. These small pit