音樂劇故事衍生自1937年上海四行倉庫保衛戰,女童軍送國旗給守軍戰士,激勵國人抗日士氣,從而產生浪漫、感動和引人入勝的情節,男女主角亦要在愛情與保衛國家之間作出選擇。 在烽火年代,甚麽是生存的意義? 本書前半收錄完整的中英文台詞及精美劇照,後半為小說《戰火忘情》中英文本摘錄。 “1937 The Lost World’s Love”, is a grand musical, based on the history of the Battle of Shanghai in 1937. The story begins with a girl-guide, who brings a national flag to the regiment of 800 soldiers defending Sihang Warehouse. The scene is set for a tragic love story that emerges in the midst of a dramatic set of circumstances, where life and death are but a shadow apart. In the era of turbulence, what is the value of staying alive? First half of this book includes script of the whole musical while the second part is the same story presented in novel format, with all written in both Chinese and English. 本書特色 音樂劇影片《1937 戰火忘情》榮獲美國Accolade Global Film Competition 表彰獎 (2016年3月) 中英雙語閱讀