用照片寫故事:“A picture is worth a thousand words”,一畫勝千字。生活中的各種樣態,是一個個人生故事的總和,每一個故事都有主角的人生軌跡,有些人用散文寫故事,有些人用小說寫故事,有些人用藝術音樂寫故事,本書作者將人生經歷與其遨遊過五洲四海,逐一用照片寫故事,除了個人生活外,二十載間遨遊五洲四海的旅途中,享受神所創造的美景處,一一記錄下來,用照片解讀人生故事與世間的風景,總計出《遨遊五洲四海》共十集。作者二十餘載遨遊五洲四海,足跡遍及亞洲歐洲非洲美洲澳洲五洲),太平洋、大西洋、地中海、加勒比海(四海)旅遊方式包括陸地遊(Land Tours)、海洋遊輪遊(Ocean Cruises)河上遊輪遊(River Cruises)等,大多數跟隨旅遊團旅遊,少數自由行旅遊。交通方式包括旅遊巴士、火車、大型海洋遊輪、小型近陸海洋遊輪、河上遊輪、吉普車、直升機等。作者遨遊五洲四海始於1965年青年時期,暫歇於2022年益壯老者;用時近一甲子(五十七年),出遊八十四回,效法徐霞客巡遊四方尋幽探勝,而行程更廣、足跡益遙,2005至2017的十二年間出行頻率增長,平均每年作六次旅遊,地跨五洲四海、時貫春夏秋冬;各地風物景緻習俗人情悉展眼前。除此四集外,將接續出版第五到第十集。讀者若能完看十集,可以等同環遊世界一週了。#台灣博客思出版社
The Boundless Treasures of the Mountains and the Seas People often use the term "treasures" to describe the lives and resources existing in the mountains and the seas; however, they do not keep or care for the treasures carefully like they treat precious gemstones. Overconsumption is what humans do to the treasures. With the aim of preventing the treasures from being completely depleted in the near future, the Summer Edition's cover stories will continue the spirit of this year's theme "Grand Perspectives with no Boundaries" by sharing stories about a group of people who are committed to protecting the boundless treasures of the mountains and the seas through transnational, interagency, and intersectoral exchange and collaboration for the concept of conservation to prevail in different corners of the world. Cover Story I took the "2023 International Conservation Symposium" as a starting point to explore how international exchanges can create more opportunities for conservation practi
用照片寫故事:“A picture is worth a thousand words”,一畫勝千字。生活中的各種樣態,是一個個人生故事的總和,每一個故事都有主角的人生軌跡,有些人用散文寫故事,有些人用小說寫故事,有些人用藝術音樂寫故事,本書作者將人生經歷與其遨遊過五洲四海,逐一用照片寫故事,除了個人生活外,二十載間遨遊五洲四海的旅途中,享受神所創造的美景處,一一記錄下來,用照片解讀人生故事與世間的風景,總計出《遨遊五洲四海》共十集。作者二十餘載遨遊五洲四海,足跡遍及亞洲歐洲非洲美洲澳洲(五洲),太平洋、大西洋、地中海、加勒比海(四海)旅遊方式包括陸地遊(Land Tours)、海洋遊輪遊(Ocean Cruises)河上遊輪遊(River Cruises)等,大多數跟隨旅遊團旅遊,少數自由行旅遊。交通方式包括旅遊巴士、火車、大型海洋遊輪、小型近陸海洋遊輪、河上遊輪、吉普車、直升機等。《遨遊五洲四海》第四集,除了作者好友黃碧端、周昌弘、沈運申、廖健、鄭炳陸和李耀宗等精采序文外,主要地點有:萊茵河、莫瑟爾河遊輪之旅2008晚夏、地中海遊輪之旅2008秋、日本關東關西之旅2008晚秋、加納利群島、葡萄牙、西班牙遊輪之旅2008年底、埃及、尼羅河之旅2009初春、土耳其之旅2009春、北歐、波羅的海之旅2009夏秋等地。作者遨遊五洲四海始於1965年青年時期,暫歇於2022年益壯老者;用時近一甲子(五十七年),出遊八十四回,效法徐霞客巡遊四方尋幽探勝,而行程更廣、足跡益遙,2005至2017的十二年間出行頻率增長,平均每年作六次旅遊,地跨五洲四海、時貫春夏秋冬;各地風物景緻習俗人情悉展眼前。除此四集外,將接續出版第五到第十集。讀者若能完看十集,可以等同環遊世界一週了。#台灣博客思出版社
The official unveiling of Taiwan’s National Park Service indicates that Taiwan’s nature conservation and cultural heritage protection are about to reach new heights. This issue’s cover story invites readers to probe into the meaning of the three verbs: See, Build, and Achieve. First, see the vision and direction of the NPS’s future development, then learn how national park staff creatively build mutual understanding and collaboration between parks and the public. Lastly, through stories shared by national park senior staff, readers can visualize the process of happiness and bitterness through which national parks endeavored to achieve the ideals of safeguarding Taiwan’s mountains and seas over the past 40 years. The spirit contained within shall serve as an important road sign on the journey toward the future.
The official unveiling of Taiwan’s National Park Service indicates that Taiwan’s nature conservation and cultural heritage protection are about to reach new heights. This issue’s cover story invites readers to probe into the meaning of the three verbs: See, Build, and Achieve. First, see the vision and direction of the NPS’s future development, then learn how national park staff creatively build mutual understanding and collaboration between parks and the public. Lastly, through stories shared by national park senior staff, readers can visualize the process of happiness and bitterness through which national parks endeavored to achieve the ideals of safeguarding Taiwan’s mountains and seas over the past 40 years. The spirit contained within shall serve as an important road sign on the journey toward the future.