音樂唱作人關名君個人文字作品集首次出版,《本色——關名君詩集Eternal Hues(中英典藏版)》現正披露! 每一首歌,盛載青春思緒;每一份詞,寫下人間無常。 這是一本詩集,也是她的許願書。好想把每一首詩唱出來,關名君這樣希望著,寫下詩與詞,結集成書,再逐一實現願望。 攜帶四首歌曲: 《本色》 《關關過》 《親愛的你幸福嗎》 《約定》 仙霞薄霧,靈性動人 那綻放如艷陽的滿族之花, 左手創作音樂,右手動筆寫詩, 撈起千萬片音符, 唱成了一部詩集。 展世外本色,動如雷龍鳴,靜如西湖平, 吟唱詩歌的樂姬 婉約邀你共敘, 喝一盞茶聽一闕心聲。 Fairy Haze, Mist, and Spirituality. The flowers of the Manchu people bloom like the sun's embrace. With her left hand, she composes music. With her right hand, she writes poetry with aesthetics. Picked up a thousand pieces of music. Sing, become a collection of poems. Colours for the wild world, As roar as the thundering dragon makes, As calm as the West Lake. The poet who sings, invites you to fall. To her story with all. A cup of tea, and a whisper for you to hear. 本書特色 「一直都想著把我的作品整理成詩詞集,在我有生之年再一首一首唱出來做成音樂專輯呈現給大家!真希望這個願望可以實現!」——關名君 音樂唱作人關名君多年來的心路歷程,化為一篇又一篇動人詩詞,記錄在書中。